the occasion of World Water Day 2014
MARCH 2014
Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People &
The South Asia region is characterised by numerous
river basins, that
do not coincide with national boundaries. Many of these basins are shared between countries of unequal size and power.
Sharing waters of transboundary river systems has been a source of ongoing
tensions and conflicts in the region for more than half a century. Further,
China's growing use of the eastern Himalayan waters is a source of concern.
Nearly all the
water in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan comes from a river shared with
at least one other South Asian state. India's trans-boundary riparian policies
affect four countries - Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh - on four river
systems – the Kosi, the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. China's riparian
policies affect nine countries to the south - Pakistan, India, Nepal,
Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam - on five river
systems - the Indus, the Ganga, the Brahmaputra, the Salween and the Mekong.
Bhutan, India
and China are planning inter-basin water transfers to feed their rapid economic
expansion through hydropower dam constructions. Hydropower and dam projects
impact local communities in upstream and downstream, livelihoods, cultures,
lands, rivers, forests, biodiversity and disaster potential of the river
basins. There are no credible - project specific or basin level - impact
assessments, mitigation plans or compliance systems in place with free, prior
and informed involvement of the basin communities. These impacts are
accentuating the climate change impacts and adaptation capacity of the
communities. Whatever benefits are generated from these projects, they are
largely going to outside the affected region.
The onging inter-state conflicts
over water have not necessarily addressed issues that impact ordinary people of
South Asia – their access to water and impact on livelihoods for example. The
Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Basin covering North Eastern and Eastern India,
Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh, in addition to upstream China, Nepal, and
Bangladesh has been dubbed South Asia’s "poverty square", with
substantially more people below the dollar-per-day poverty line than in all the
countries of sub-Saharan Africa combined.
There is an urgent need to evolve a regional policy and mechanism on water commons that work transparently, with accountability, and with participation of local people and impacted people, (especially the more vulnerable such as dalits, women, minorities, farmers and peasants) along with ensuring sustainability of the water commons, ecology and biodiversity.
There is an urgent need to evolve a regional policy and mechanism on water commons that work transparently, with accountability, and with participation of local people and impacted people, (especially the more vulnerable such as dalits, women, minorities, farmers and peasants) along with ensuring sustainability of the water commons, ecology and biodiversity.
The SAARC's energy policy is also
pushing for harnessing hydropower on these rivers, sometimes with UN funding of
hydropower and other projects under the UNFCCC’s Clean Development Mechanism
and funding from other bilateral and multilateral aid agencies, so there is
need to evaluate and propose an alternative approach, maybe a ‘South Asian
Water Commons Convention’ that takes into account equity, justice,
sustainability and livelihood concerns.
It is in this context that People's
SAARC-India, South Asia Network of Dams, Rivers and People (SANDRP) and Action
Aid (Natural Resource and South-South Knowledge Hubs) are organizing a
symposium on 22 March 2014 at the Constitution Club, New Delhi from 9 am to
5:30 pm.
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