Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce Invites Suggestions of Public on India's Engagement with Free Trade Agreements (FTAS): Challenges and Opportunities |
The Department Related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce, headed by Shri Shanta Kumar, M.P., Rajya Sabha has taken up the subject of " India's Engagement with Free Trade Agreements (FTAs): Challenges and Opportunities" for examination and report to the Parliament.
The Committee has decided to invite views/suggestions/comments from experts/institutions/organizations/stake-holders interested in the subject matter. The views/suggestions/comments may, inter alia, focus on issues like benefits and disadvantages, if any, that has accrued on account of signing Free Trade Agreements (hereinafter referred as FTAs) with various countries/region/bloc; ways and means to promote domestic agriculture as well as strengthen local industries through FTAs; role of FTAs in flow of investments, especially greenfield; level of impetus desired in the FTAs for services sector and those actually given till date; capacity creation, both physical and human as a result of these FTAs; extent of sensitivity observed towards climate and environment in FTAs; flaws/discrepancies if any, prevailing in the present architecture of FTA and remedies thereof; etc. The aforementioned issues are only indicative and not exhaustive.
Those desirous of submitting their views and suggestions to the Committee may send their written memoranda (either in English or Hindi) on the above subject to Shri J. Sundriyal, Director, RajyaSabha Secretariat, 201, Second Floor, Parliament HouseAnnexe, New Delhi-110001 (Tel.: 23034541) or e-mail within thirty days from January 3, 2013. Those willing to give oral evidence before the Committee, besides sending Memoranda are requested to indicate so. However, the decision of the Committee in this regard shall be final.
The memoranda submitted to the Committee would form a part of the records of the Committee and will be treated as confidential. These are not to be disclosed to anyone, till the report of the Committee is presented to Parliament, violation of which would constitute a breach of privilege of the Committee.
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