October 29, 2012
Open Letter
to National Water Resources Council
Suggestions for National Water
Policy 2012
1. Prime
Minister and ex officio chairman of NWRC
2. Chief
Ministers, concerned Union Ministers and Planning Commission, all members of
Sirs and Madams:
We understand that the National Water Resources Council is
to meet on Oct 30, 2012 to consider the latest draft of the National Water
Policy, and finalise the same. Some of us have been writing to the drafting
committee and the Ministry about both process of formulation and content of the
National Water Policy 2012 and in this context would like to reiterate the
following points for your consideration when you meet to finalise the National
Water Policy 2012.
Process of formulation of NWP The National Water Policy concerns
and affects every person and every ecosystem of the country. Hence the process
of formulation of the NWP should involve every gram sabha in villages, every
ward in cities and all concerned civil society groups. A credible process would
thus involve availability of the draft policy and also a credible report giving
details of experience with the earlier (current NWP of 2002) NWP, in language
and manner that people can understand. These basic requirements have not been
satisfied and we would urge the NWRC to recommend such a process.
Suggestions for some key aspects of NWP 2012
· Right to Water The first draft of the NWP 2012
made public in January 2012 had said in its clause 1.3(v): “Access to safe and
clean drinking water and sanitation should be regarded as a right to life
essential to the full enjoyment of life and all other human rights.” However,
in the subsequent drafts, this sentence has been deleted. We urge the NWRC to
add this draft in the NWP 2012 with an emphasis that right to water should be
considered fundamental human right. In this context we would like to add that
the Indian government is a signatory to the UN General Assembly resolution
number 64/292 of 28th July 2010 “Human right to water and sanitation”,
approved by 120 countries. This is now legally binding in international law; UN Human Rights Council decision
of September 28, 2011 also is relevant in this context, as also the SC
pronouncements reading Right to water in the constitution provisions including
article 21.
· No case for privatisation In this context we would like to
suggest that the draft NWP 2012 suggesting privatisation of water services
should be deleted as it is in contradiction with the Right to Water as
mentioned above. The global trend is also for re-municipalisation, reversing
the privatisation of water that was implemented in few places, including in
France (e.g. Paris), US (e.g. Atlanta), Italy, Uruguay, Netherlands, among
· Shun Failed big irrigation projects Data from Union government and
several state governments show that over the last two decades, there has been
no addition to the net area irrigated by major and medium irrigation projects.
The CAG reports, as also the Planning Commission has also endorsed this. The
recent exposure of massive corruption in big irrigation projects Maharashtra is
a sign of the same disease. The NWP needs to recognise this reality and ensure
optimal utilisation of existing irrigation infrastructure, make sustenance of
groundwater lifeline central focus of water resources development and stop
funding new and comprehensively review ongoing major and medium irrigation
· Governance NWP needs to note the need for clearly
defined decentralised, bottom up participatory mechanism for planning, decision
making and allocation of water for different uses, none exist today. In absence
of such legally enforceable mechanisms, there is serious threat to the water,
food and livelihood security to millions of people all over India as water is
being diverted for urban (beyond justifiable needs) and industrial use when
there is none for basic food production and livelihoods of farmers.
· Law to protect Rivers NWP needs to stipulate the need to
protect rivers through legislation; Today Rivers in India have no protection
and rivers with freshwater flow all round the year has become endangered
species. This is also relevant in the context of recently concluded COP 11 on
Convention on Bio Diversity in Hyderabad during Oct 8-19. 2012. It is well
known that freshwater sources, including rivers are some of the largest
repositories of biodiversity and they need to be protected also from the
perspectives of livelihoods of millions of people and climate change.
Unfortunately, today impacts of dams on riverine biodiversity, livelihoods are
not even assessed, leave aside mitigated or compensation for those affected.
Revision of NWP is an occasion to emphasise and make amends in this situation.
· Recognise the water saving potential
of SRI The NWP
needs to explicitly recognise the huge water saving potential of System of Rice
Intensification, and related methods like System of Wheat Intensification,
Sustainable Sugarcane initiative, among others. This can go a long way also in
reducing the load on groundwater draft.
· State Water Regulatory Authorities The draft NWP 2012 says (sec 7.2),
“A Water Regulatory Authority (WRA) should be established in each State”. This
is uncalled for since the experience of only functioning Water Regulatory
Authority is far from encouraging. Maharashtra experience needs to be evaluated
and until there is encouraging experience over a prolonged period, such a
recommendation is uncalled for.
· Data management NWP should recognise the need for making
all water data pro actively in public domain, setting up the process for
generating and updating eco - hydrological data linkages in all rivers with the
long term objective of arriving at and allocating e flows based on such a data,
encouraging ways to increase soil capacity to hold moisture.
We welcome some of the positive changes brought about in the
latest draft of NWP 2012 compared to the earlier ones and also publication of
the agenda of the NWRC on the website of the Ministry of Water Resources. However,
we believe NWRC needs to go further and make recommendations along the lines
suggested above.
Thanking you for your attention,
Yours Sincerely,
Endorsed by:
1. EAS Sarma, former secretary, Govt of India, Andhra Pradesh, eassarma@gmail.com
2. Issac, Kshithij,
Prabhakar, People's
Campaign for Right to Water- Karnataka, cawpka@gmail.com
3. Ranjan Panda, Water Initiative, Odisha, ranjanpanda@gmail.com
4. Vimal Bhai, Matu
Jansangathan, Uttarakhand, bhaivimal@gmail.com
5. Dr Latha
Anantha, River Research
Centre, Kerala, latha.anantha9@gmail.com
6. Sitaram Shelar, Pani Haq Samiti, Mumbai, sitaram.shelar@yuvaindia.org
7. Raju Bhise, Youth For Unity and Voluntary Action, Mumbai, raju.bhise@yuvaindia.org
8. Suhas Paranjpe,
Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM), Mumbai, suhas.paranjape@gmail.com
9. K J Joy,
SOPPECOM and Forum for Policy Dialogue on
Water Conflicts in India, Pune, joykjjoy2@gmail.com
10. Shripad Dharmadhikary, Manthan Adhyayan Kendra, Pune, manthan.shripad@gmail.com
11. Parineeta
Dandekar, SANDRP, Pune, parineeta.dandekar@gmail.com
12. Bharat
Jhunjhunwala, former professor, IIM Bangalore, Dt Tehri, Uttarakhand bharatjj@gmail.com
13. Gopal Krishna, Toxics Watch Alliance, New Delhi, krishna1715@gmail.com
14. Sudhirendar Sharma, Ecology Foundation, Delhi, sudhirendarsharma@gmail.com
15. Himanshu Thakkar, South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers & People, 86-D, AD
block, Delhi -110088, ht.sandrp@gamil.com

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