World Bank: Global MSW 'enormous' challenge by 2025
Generation of municipal solid waste is expected to rise sharply between now and 2025, especially in urban area and especially in developing countries.
Full report available at:,,contentMDK:23172887~pagePK:210058~piPK:210062~theSitePK:337178,00.html
"when you add the figures up we're looking at a relatively silent problem that is growing daily. The challenges surrounding municipal solid waste are going to be enormous, on a scale of, if not greater than, the challenges we are currently experiencing with climate change. This report should be seen as a giant wake-up call to policy makers everywhere," says Eric Uram.
Atomic sands and the histories of Anthropogenic pollution
Chris Baraniuk / BBC Moments in human history are etched into the Earth.
Now researchers are piecing together evidence of our impact on the planet –
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