Environment groups and waste-recycling workers have demanded that the Bharaitya Janata Party change its stands on operating waste-to-energy plants in the Capital and include measures that promote sustainable environmental growth in its manifesto for the upcoming Municipal Corporation of Delhi polls.“The BJP has so far refused to bring in any change in its policy towards the waste-to-energy plants and in case they plan to continue on this path, their move is in contravention of a Supreme Court order putting a stay on the use of incinerator technology. Delhi's waste-recycling workers and environmental groups are demanding scrapping of the waste-to-energy policy which is not only polluting but also adversely affected their livelihoods,” said non-government organisation Toxics Watch Alliance's Gopal Krishna.
April 10, 2012
Atomic sands and the histories of Anthropogenic pollution
Chris Baraniuk / BBC Moments in human history are etched into the Earth.
Now researchers are piecing together evidence of our impact on the planet –
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