Accreditation Committee Members and NABET Secretariat for EIA Consultant Organisations Accreditation Scheme
Dr. Prodipto Ghosh
Prof. C. K. Varshney
Dr. K. R. Ranganathan
Mr. K. P. Nyati
Mr. Chandra Bhushan
Prof. B. B. Dhar
Dr. B. Sengupta
Dr. S. Devotta
NABET Secretariat
Mr. Vipin Sahni, Director
Mr. A. K. Ghose, Principal Advisor
Mr. Abhay Sharma, Executive
This state of affairs appears to be engineered by the Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs and the Prime Minister.

The industrial and infrastructure projects that need to have EIA reports are listed in the 43 page EIA notification, 2006 under sub-rule (3) of Rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 framed under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for imposing certain restrictions and prohibitions on new projects or activities, or on the expansion or modernization of existing projects or activities based on their potential environmental impacts.
Under the notification, an application seeking prior environmental clearance in all cases is made in the prescribed Form 1, Supplementary Form 1A and Appendix II under EIA Notification after the identification of prospective site(s) for the project and/or activities to which the application relates, before commencing any construction activity, or preparation of land, at the site by the applicant. The applicant is required to furnish, along with the application, a copy of the pre-feasibility project report except that, in case of construction projects or activities (item 8 of the Schedule) in addition to Form 1 and the Supplementary Form 1A, a copy of the conceptual plan shall be provided, instead of the pre-feasibility report.
The environmental clearance process for new projects comprises of a maximum of four stages in sequential order:
• Stage (1) Screening (Only for Category ‘B’ projects and activities)
• Stage (2) Scoping
• Stage (3) Public Consultation
• Stage (4) Appraisal
Stage (1) of "Screening" refers the scrutiny of an application seeking prior environmental clearance.
Stage (2)of "Scoping" refers to the process by which the Expert Appraisal Committee
determine detailed and comprehensive Terms Of Reference (TOR) addressing all relevant environmental concerns for the preparation of an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Report in respect of the project or activity for which prior environmental clearance is sought. This has to be conveyed to the applicant within sixty days of the receipt of Form 1. If the Terms of Reference are not finalized and conveyed to the applicant within sixty days of the receipt of Form 1, the Terms of Reference suggested by the applicant is deemed as the final Terms of Reference approved for the EIA studies. The approved Terms of Reference is displayed on the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the concerned State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority. Applications for prior environmental clearance can be rejected by the regulatory authority concerned on the recommendation of the EAC at this stage itself. In case of such rejection, the decision together with reasons for the same has to be communicated to the applicant in writing within sixty days of the receipt of the application.
Stage (3) of Public Consultation refers to the process by which the concerns of local affected persons and others who have plausible stake in the environmental impacts of the project or activity are ascertained with a view to taking into account all the material concerns in the project or activity design as appropriate. The Public Consultation shall ordinarily have two components comprising of a public hearing at the site or in its close proximity- district wise for ascertaining concerns of local affected persons and to obtain responses in writing from other concerned persons having a plausible stake in the environmental aspects of the project or activity. The public hearing at, or in close proximity to, the site(s) in all cases is supposed to be conducted by the State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) or the Union territory Pollution Control Committee (UTPCC) concerned in the specified manner and forward the proceedings to the regulatory authority concerned within 45(days of a request to the effect from the applicant.
After completion of the public consultation, the applicant is supposed to address all the material environmental concerns expressed during this process, and make appropriate changes in the draft EIA and EMP. The final EIA report, so prepared, is to be submitted by the applicant to the concerned regulatory authority for appraisal. The applicant may alternatively submit a supplementary report to draft EIA and EMP addressing all the concerns expressed during the public consultation.
Stage (4) of Appraisal means the detailed scrutiny by the Expert Appraisal Committee of the application and other documents like the Final EIA report, outcome of the public consultations including public hearing proceedings, submitted by the applicant to the regulatory authority concerned for grant of environmental clearance. On conclusion of this proceeding, the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned is supposed to make categorical recommendations to the regulatory authority concerned either for grant of prior environmental clearance on stipulated terms and conditions, or rejection of the application for prior environmental clearance, together with reasons for the same.
The regulatory authority considers the recommendations of the EAC or SEAC concerned and conveys its decision to the applicant within 45 days of the receipt of the recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned or in other words within 105 days of the receipt of the final Environment Impact Assessment Report, and where Environment Impact Assessment is not required, within 105 days of the receipt of the complete application with requisite documents, except as provided below.
In the event that the decision of the regulatory authority is not communicated to the applicant within the period specified in sub-paragraphs (i) or (ii) above, as applicable, the applicant may proceed as if the environment clearance sought for has been granted or denied by the regulatory authority in terms of the final recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned.
On expiry of the period specified for decision by the regulatory authority under paragraph, the decision of the regulatory authority, and the final recommendations of the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned is supposed to be public documents.
Deliberate concealment and/or submission of false or misleading information or data which is material to screening or scoping or appraisal or decision on the application makes the application liable for rejection, and cancellation of prior environmental clearance granted on that basis. Rejection of an application or cancellation of a prior environmental clearance already granted, on such ground, is decided by the regulatory authority, after giving a personal hearing to the applicant, and following the principles of natural justice.
The “Validity of Environmental Clearance” is meant the period from which a prior environmental clearance is granted by the regulatory authority, or may be presumed by the applicant to have been granted to the start of production operations by the project or activity to which the application for prior environmental clearance refers. The prior environmental clearance granted for a project or activity shall be valid for a period of 10 years in the case of River Valley projects, project life as estimated by Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee subject to a maximum of 30 for mining projects and 5 years in the case of all other projects and activities.
In the case of Area Development projects and Townships, the validity period is limited only to such activities as may be the responsibility of the applicant as a developer. This period of validity may be extended by the regulatory authority concerned by a maximum period of 5 years provided an application is made to the regulatory authority by the applicant within the validity period. In this regard the regulatory authority may also consult the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee as the case may be.
Post Environmental Clearance Monitoring is mandatory for the project management to submit half-yearly compliance reports in respect of the stipulated prior environmental clearance terms and conditions in hard and soft copies to the regulatory authority concerned, on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year.
All such compliance reports submitted by the project management are public documents. Copies of the same is to be given to any person on application to the concerned regulatory authority. The latest such compliance report is also be displayed on the web site of the concerned regulatory authority.
A prior environmental clearance granted for a specific project or activity to an applicant may be transferred during its validity to another legal person entitled to undertake the project or activity on application by the transferor, or by the transferee with a written “no objection” by the transferor, to, and by the regulatory authority concerned, on the same terms and conditions under which the prior environmental clearance was initially granted, and for the same validity period. No reference to the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned is necessary in such cases.
Industrial projects located in any of the following notified ecologically fragile/sensitive areas would require environmental clearance irrespective of the type of project:
• Religious and historic places
• Archaeological monuments
• Scenic areas
• Hill resorts
• Beach resorts
• Coastal areas rich in mangroves, corals, breeding grounds of specific species
• Estuaries
• Gulf areas
• Biosphere reserves
• National parks and sanctuaries
• National lakes and swamps
• Seismic zones
• Tribal settlements
• Areas of scientific and geological interest
• Defence installations, specially those of security importance and sensitive to pollution
• Border areas (international)
• Airports
EIA has now been made mandatory under the Environmental (Protection Act, 1986 for 29 categories of developmental activities involving investments of Rs. 50 crores and above.
Environmental Appraisal Committees have been constituted for the following sectors:
Mining Projects
Industrial Projects
Thermal Power Projects
River Valley, Multipurpose, Irrigation and Hydro Electric Projects
Infrastructure Development and Miscellaneous Projects
Nuclear Power Projects
But what is sad and what is clear from the above facts that the EIA report is prepared by the project proponent, the applicant. The consultants who prepare it are hired by the project proponent, this turns the existing framework of "EIA" as a shameless exercise of self-assessment by the companies in questions wherein the Consultants are not liable for their acts of omission and commission. What environmental groups has been demanding is a cumulative EIA which is not conflict of interest ridden. Jairam Ramesh in his role as Union Minister for Environment and Forests had admitted it at the CII-Green Business Centre. He had promised that the Ministry will seeks a third party EIA for power, coal and multi-sector projects. Clearly, the it is part of Ministry's wisdom that the present system is deeply flawed.
QCI, essentially an industry body, in a 2007 document 'Scheme for Accreditation of EIA Consultant Organizations' wrote, "The present situation is far from satisfactory since the EIAs being developed, more often than not, do not measure up to the required quality". Subsequent to this the Environment Ministry issued an Office Memorandum dated March 18, 2010 making the accreditation of the EIA-EMP consultants by the QCI compulsory, stating: "No final EIA/EMP from any Project Proponent prepared by the non-accredited Consultant will be entertained after 1 July, 2010." Its website revealed, "QCI was set up in 1997 as an autonomous body by the Government of India jointly with Indian industry to establish and operate the National Accreditation Structure for conformity assessment bodies. Indian industry is represented in QCI by three premier industry associations, ASSOCHAM, CII and FICCI.”
With effect from October 1, 2011, only those Consultants who are accredited as the EIA Consultants with Quality Council of India (QCI)/National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (NABET)can appear before the central Experts Appraisal Committee and State Level Experts Appraisal Committee (EAC) constituted by the Central Government and State Government respectively. The accreditation is valid for specified period which cannot exceed more than three years. The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Consultants and EIA Coordinators can engage only for the approved sectors by the QCI. A to this effect was issued by Dr P B Rastogi, Director, Impact Assessment Division, Union Ministry of Environment & Forests on September 30, 2011.( 100 such consultants have been given and the application of 101 consultants is under consideration.
List ‘A’ : Accredited/ Conditionally Accredited Consultants - 100
S.N. Name State/ City
1. ABC Environ Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
2. Anacon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur
3. Anand Consultants Ahmedabad
4. Apex Mintech Consultants Udaipur
5. Asian Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
6. B. S. Envi-Tech Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
7. Bhagavathi Ana Lab Hyderabad
8. Bhagwati Enviro Care Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
9. Centre for Envotech and Management Consultancy Private Limited Bhubaneshwar
10. Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Chennai
11. Consulting Engineering Services (India) Private Limited New Delhi
12. Consulting Engineers Group Ltd. Jaipur
13. Creative Engineers & Consultants Chennai
14. Creative Enviro Services Bhopal
15. Desein Private Limited New Delhi
16. Det Norske Veritas AS Hyderabad
17. Detox Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Surat
18. Development Consultants Private Limited Kolkata
19. Earthcare Labs Private Limited Nagpur
20. Eco Chem Sales and Service Surat
21. Eco Laboratories and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Mohali
22. Eco Services India Private Limited Chennai
23. Ecomen Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow
24. EMTRC Consultants Private Limited Delhi
25. Engineers India Limited Gurgaon
26. Enkay Group Jaipur
27. ENV Developmental Assistance Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow
28. Enviro Analyst & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai
29. Enviro Techno Consult Nagpur
30. Envirocare Consultants (I) Pvt. Ltd. Baroda
31. Environ India Kolkata
32. Environment Protection and Training Research Institute Hyderabad
33. Environmental Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
34. Environmental, Mine Plan & Resource Evaluation Solutions Chennai
35. Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
36. En-vision Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Surat
37. ENVOMIN Consultant (Pvt.) Ltd. Bhubaneshwar
38. EQMS India Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
39. ERM India Private Limited Gurgaon
40. Geomin Consultants Pvt. Limited Bhubaneshwar
41. Ghosh, Bose and Associates Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
42. GIS Enabled Environment & Neo-Graphic Centre Ghaziabad
43. Global Enviro Labs Hyderabad
44. Global Experts (A Techno-Enviro Consultant) Bhubaneshwar
45. Grass Roots Research & Creation India (P) Ltd. New Delhi
46. Green Chem Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
47. Holtec Consulting Private Limited Gurgaon
48. Hubert Enviro Care Systems (P) Ltd. Chennai
49. Idma Laboratories Limited Panchkula,Haryana
50. In Situ Enviro Care Bhopal
51. Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
52. JM Environet Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
53. Kadam Environmental Consultants Vadodra
54. Kalyani Laboratories Bhubaneshwar
55. Kirloskar Consultants Limited Pune
56. L & T – RAMBOLL Consulting Engineers Limited Andhra Pradesh
57. LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
58. Louis Berger Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
59. M. N. Dastur and Company (Pvt.) Ltd. Kolkata
60. M/s Padmaja Aerobiologicals Pvt. Ltd. Navi Mumbai
61. M/s Visiontek Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. Bhubaneshwar
62. Mantec Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
63. Mecon Limited Ranchi
64. Mineral Engineering Services Karnataka
65. Mineviron Systems Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur
66. MITCON Consultancy and Engineering Services Ltd. Pune
67. Mott Mac Donald Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
68. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute Nagpur
69. Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
70. Pioneer Enviro Laboratories and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
71. Pollution Control Research Institute Haridwar
72. Pragathi Labs & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Secunderabad
73. Projects & Development India Limited Noida
74. Pure Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
75. Ramans Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
76. Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited Hyderabad
77. RITES Limited Gurgaon
78. RS Envirolink Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
79. S. S. Environics (India) Pvt. Ltd. Bhubaneshwar
80. Saitech Research & Development Organization Kolhapur
81. San Envirotech Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
82. SECON Private limited Bangalore
83. Senes Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. Noida
84. SGS India Pvt. Ltd Gurgaon
85. Singareni Collieries Company Limited Khammam, Andhra Pradesh
86. SMEC India Private Limited Gurgaon
87. SNC - LAVALIN Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. India Noida
88. Srushti Sewa Nagpur
89. Superintendence Company of India Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
90. SV Enviro Labs & Consultants Vishakapatnam
91. TATA Consulting Engineers Limited Mumbai
92. Team Labs and Consultants Hyderabad
93. Ultra-Tech Environmental Consultancy and Laboratory Thane
94. UniStar Environment & Research Labs Pvt. Ltd. Vapi, Gujarat
95. Vasantdada Sugar Institute. Pune
96. Vimta Labs Limited Hyderabad
97. VITYA Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Secunderabad
98. Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
99. WAPCOS Limited Gurgaon
100. Wolkem Consultancy Services Udaipur
List ‘B’ : Accreditation in Process
S.N. Name of the Organization
1. Amba Recyclers Private Limited, Chennai
2. Mahabal Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Thane
3. CTRAN Consulting Private Limited, Bhubaneswar
4. Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi
5. R.K. Consultants, Jodhpur
6. Greentech Environmental Engineers and Consultants , Guwahati
7. Min Mec Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
8. Ramji Mines Envirotech, Jaipur
9. Agricultural Finance Corporation Ltd., Mumbai
10. EGIS India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Faridabad
11. SMS Envocare Ltd., Pune
12. Sri Sai Manasa Nature Tech Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
13. Team Institute of Science and Technology Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur
14. Prakruti Environmental Engineers, Vadodra
15. Siddhi Consultants, Ankaleshwar
16. Pacific Scientific Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
17. M/S Indus Technical and Financial Consultants Ltd., Raipur
18. Sun Consultancy and Services, Bhubaneswar
19. Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited, Ranchi
20 Consafe Science India, Hyderabad
21 Gondwana Geotech Services Pvt. Ltd., Ranchi
22 Pollution and Project Consultants, Kolkata
23 Brigade Enterprises Limited, Bangalore
24 Engineering & Technological Services, New Delhi
25 MNEC Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur
26 S Pradhan , Bhubaneswar
27 Shri Environmental Technology Institute, New Delhi
28 CPTL Envirotech Designers & Pollution Control Consultants, Chandigarh
29 MSV International Inc., Gurgaon
30 SD Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd., Aurangabad
31 A & N Technologies , Bangalore
32 Crystal Consultant , Ranchi
33 Fine Envirotech Engineers , Mumbai
34 Ind Tech House Consult, New Delhi
35 Centre for Environment Health & Safety, Annamalai University,, Tamil Nadu
36 D.Y. Patil College of Engineering, Pune
37 Enviro Care Engineers & Consultant, Surat
38 Madhya Pradesh State Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur
39 Oasis Environmental Foundation, Pune
40 Science and Technology Park, Pune
41 Thriveni Consultancy Services, Keonjhar (Odisha)
42 Trio-Chem Techno- Legal Services Pvt. Ltd., Pune
43 Vison Labs, Hyderabad
44 Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
45 ASCENSO Management and Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
46 Krishna Gangaa Enviro System Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur
47 GLOBAL Environment & Mining Services, Hospet, Karnataka
48 Centre For Sustainable Development, Hooghly
49 KKB Envirocare Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
50 Chilworth Technology Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
51 DHI India Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
52 Pollution & Ecology Control Services, Nagpur
53 Energy Infratech Private Ltd., Gurgaon
54 Action for Ecology, Environment, Energy and Management, Rishikesh
55 Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
56 Building Environment Pvt. Ltd., Navi Mumbai
57 M/s Udaipur Min-Tech Pvt. Ltd., Udaipur
58 Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad
59 N H Consulting Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
60 Royal Environment Auditing & Consultancy Services, Rajkot
61 Tetra Tech India Limited, New Delhi
62 Transit Surveys, Karnataka
63 K. R. S Enterprises, Bangalore
64 Gadark Lab Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
65 Environment & Power Technologies Private Limited, Bangalore
66 Technoenviron Consultants, Maharashtra
67 AECOM India Private Limited, Gurgaon
68 Century Consulting Engineers, Chandigarh
69 SA Infrastructure Consultants Pvt. Ltd, Ghaziabad
70 Octagon Consultancy Services, Kolkata
71 Aditya Environmental Services Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
72 Mitra S. K. Private Limited, Kolkata
73 Ace Engineers & Consultants, Patiala
74 Centre of Mining Environment, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Dhanbad
75 School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
76 Sawen Consultancy Services, Lucknow
77 Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt. Ltd, Ghaziabad
78 National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST), Thiruvananthapuram
79 Epsilon Projects Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow
80 C. E. Testing company Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
81 Waste Encare (India) Pvt. Ltd., Thane
82 Environmental System Consultants & Ambiente Lab Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
83 V R Enviro Engineers, Chennai
84 S G M Corporate Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Pune
85 Precitech Laboratories, Vapi
86 S. N.Hirpara, Surat
87 Akshar Consultant, Gujarat
88 Gherzi Eastern Limited, New Delhi
89 India Glycols Limited, Kashipur, Uttarakhand
90 SEE Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur
91 Shiva Test House, Patna
92 Vogue Construction and Consultancy Services Private Limited, New Delhi
93 Spectro Analytical Labs Limited, New Delhi
94 Wilbur Smith Associates Private Limited, Bangalore
95 Terracon Ecotech Private Limited, Mumbai
96 Sophisticated Industrial Materials analytic Labs Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
97 Aquagreen Engineering Management Pvt. Ltd.
98 Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies Of Mountain & Hill Environment University Of
Delhi(CISMHE), Delhi
99 Shivalik Solid Waste Management Limited, Solan
100 Excel Enviro Tech, Ahmedabad
101 En-Geo Consultancy & Research Centre(ENGECORC), Guwahati
List ‘C’ : Applications Not approved /Withdrawn / Ineligible applications
S.N. Name State/ City
1. Metamorphosis Bangalore
2. Environmental Health And Safety Consultants Private Limited Bangalore
3. M/s Pragathi Labs and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Secunderabad
4. Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education Dehradun
5. Earth and Environment Bhubaneshwar
6. Green Circle, Inc. Vadodra
7. M/s Aqua-Air Environmental Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Surat
8. Indomer Coastal Hydraulics (P) Ltd. Chennai
9. Mantras Resources (Environmental Division) Nashik
10. EST Consultants (P) Ltd. New Delhi
11. Scott Wilson India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
12. International Testing Centre Panchkula
13. ECO-CARE Solutions (Environmental Consultants & Engineers) Vadodra
15. Jyoti Om Chemical Research Centre Private Limited Ankleshwar
16. Clean Technologies Bangalore
17. AET Infrastructure Environmental Services New Delhi
18. Betterworld Enviro Consultants Faridabad
19. Centre for Climate change & Environmental Advisory Services Hyderabad
20. Ecotech Services Inc. Faridabad
21. SOWiL Limited Noida
22. Techno Analytical Kolkata
23. Gujarat Mineral Research & Industrial Consultancy Society(GMRICS) Ahmedabad
24. E. C. Engineers (Environmental Consultants) Jaipur
25. Enpro Technosolutions Chennai
26. Envisafe Environmental Consultants Ahmedabad
27. Garden City Environmental Services Bangalore
28. Richardson & Cruddas Chennai
29. SAI Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
30. T.R. Associates Ahmedabad
31. Water and Waste Water Research Center Sangli
32. Yogiraja Industrial Consultants Pune
33. Aquatech Enviro Engineers Bangalore
34. Deccan Consulting Engineers Private Limited Delhi
35. ENPRO Enviro Tech & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Surat
36. Enviro Care India (P) Ltd. Madurai
37. JB Enviro Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
38. Prakriti Consultants Services Lucknow
39 Bombay Natural history Society Mumbai
40 C.P. Consultants Private Limited New Delhi
41 Consafe Science India Hyderabad
42 Eco Care Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
43 Enviroaid Consultants Gwalior
44 Environmental Research and Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. Bhubaneswar
45 Galaxy Envirotech Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
46 Hydro ChemTech Chennai
47 Integrated Techno-Legal Consultants Mumbai
48 LION Engineering Consultants Bhopal
49 Lotus Environments Pune
50 Mechatronics Systems Pvt. Ltd. Pune
51 Metro Enviro-Chem Associates Ahmedabad
52 National Institute of Ocean Technology Chennai
53 National Institute of Oceanography Goa
54 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation New Delhi
55 Paryavaran Labs (India) Limited Hyderabad
56 Remedy Environmental Consultants Bellary
57 Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Goa
58 Vasudev Associates Ahmedabad
59 Zomah Engineers Consultants Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
60 Gondwana Geotech Services Pvt. Ltd. Ranchi
61 Pollution and Project Consultants Kolkata
62 Weston Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
63 N. K. Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur
64 Eco Care Burdwan, West Bengal
There is a list of 65 Consultants with provisional Accreditation as well.
The current fate of R.K. Consultants, Jodhpur which prepared more than 100 EIA reports was barred from preparing EIA reports due to its acts of omission and commission on March 30, 2011 reveals how consultants are accredited. The bar was withdrawn on May 30, 2011.
Now its Accreditation is in process. There are several names which have been given Accreditation whose EIA reports have been exposed by researchers still they are listed. What happened to Ministry's promise for a third party assessment? Is this the way to identify, examine, assess and evaluate the likely and probable impacts of a proposed project on the environment and to work out remedial action plans to minimize adverse impact on the environment? Silence of Jairam Ramesh who is a member of CCEA along with the Prime Minister is deafening.
Will the Environment Ministry explain why its environmental clearance SITE or related links on its website rarely work?

The applications from the following consultant organizations have been received by QCI and are under different stages of processing. Stakeholders desirous of giving any feedback about the consultant organizations may do so by writing to Director, NABET. The feedback would be taken into account while accreditation decisions are made.
S.No. Name State
1 Vimta Labs Limited Hyderabad
2 EMTRC Consultants Private Limited Delhi
3 Kalyani Laboratories Bhubaneshwar
4 Ghosh, Bose and Associates Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
5 Geomin Consultants Pvt. Limited Bhubaneshwar
6 Pollution Control Research Institute Haridwar
7 EQMS India Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
8 MetamorphosisSM Bangalore
9 Perfact Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
10 Ramky Enviro Engineers Limited Hyderabad
11 SGS India Pvt. Ltd Gurgaon
12 Minenviron Systems Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur
13 Environment Health and Safety Consultants Private Limited Bangalore
14 B. S. Envi-Tech Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
15 Bhagavathi Ana Labs Hyderabad
16 Asian Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
17 Kadam Environmental Consultants Vadodra
18 Envirotech East Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
19 M/s Pragathi Labs and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Secunderabad
20 JM Environet Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
21 Wolkem Consultancy Services Udaipur
22 Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education Dehradun
23 Ecomen Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow
24 Mantec Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
25 Mineral Engineering Services Karnataka
26 Enviro Techno Consult Nagpur
27 Enkay Group Jaipur
28 Earth and Environment Bhubaneshwar
29 Creative Enviro Services Bhopal
30 RS Envirolink Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
31 Ramans Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
32 Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
33 Green Circle, Inc. Vadodra
34 Pioneer Enviro Laboratories and Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
35 Global Experts (A Techno-Enviro Consultant) Bhubaneshwar
36 ABC Environ Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
37 Development Consultants Private Limited Kolkata
38 Sun Consultancy and Services Bhubaneshwar
39 Engineers India Limited Gurgaon
40 Senes Consultants India Pvt. Ltd. Noida
41 GIS Enabled Environment & Neo-Graphic Centre Ghaziabad
42 Anacon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur
43 RITES Limited Gurgaon
44 Anand Consultants Ahmedabad
45 Green Chem Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
46 Deccan Consulting Engineers Private Limited Delhi
47 Mecon Limited Ranchi
48 Consulting Engineering Services (India) Private Limited New Delhi
49 Hubert Enviro Care Systems (P) Ltd. Chennai
50 ERM India Private Limited Gurgaon
51 Kirloskar Consultants Limited Pune
52 M. N. Dastur and Company (Pvt.) Ltd. Kolkata
53 Holtec Consulting Private Limited Gurgaon
54 Jyoti Om Chemical Research Centre Private Limited Ankleshwar
55 M/s Aqua-Air Environmental Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Surat
56 National Environmental Engineering Research Institute Nagpur
57 Yogiraja Industrial Consultants Pune
58 Cholamandalam MS Risk Services Chennai
59 R. K. Consultants Jodhpur
60 M/s Udaipur Min-Tech Pvt. Ltd. Udaipur
61 San Envirotech Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
62 ENV Developmental Assistance Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow
63 Visiontek Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. Bhubaneshwar
64 Grass Roots Research & Creation India (P) Ltd. New Delhi
65 Indomer Coastal Hydraulics (P) Ltd. Chennai
66 Prakriti Consultants Services Lucknow
67 Aditya Environmental Services Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai
68 T.R. Associates Ahmedabad
69 Mantras Resources (Engineers and Environmental Consultant) Nashik
70 Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
71 VITYA Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Secunderabad
72 Mott Mac Donald Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
73 Enviro Care India (P) Ltd. Madurai
74 Water and Waste Water Research Center Sangli
75 M/s Padmaja Aerobiologicals Pvt. Ltd. Navi Mumbai
76 Consulting Engineers Group Ltd. Jaipur
77 Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited Ranchi
78 Pure Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
79 Ultra-Tech Environmental Consultancy and Laboratory Thane
80 En-vision Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Surat
81 S. S. Environics (India) Pvt. Ltd. Bhubaneshwar
82 Detox Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Surat
83 Desein Private Limited New Delhi
84 Singareni Collieries Company Limited Khammam, Andhra Pradesh
85 WAPCOS Limited Gurgaon
86 ENVOMIN Consultant (Pvt.) Ltd. Bhubaneshwar
87 ECO-CARE Solutions (Environmental Consultants & Engineers) Vadodra
88 Environmental Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
89 Team Labs and Consultants Hyderabad
90 Environmental, Mine Plan & Resource Evaluation Solutions Chennai
91 EST Consultants (P) Ltd. New Delhi
92 UniStar Environment & Research Labs Pvt. Ltd. Vapi, Gujarat
93 L & T – RAMBOLL Consulting Engineers Limited Andhra Pradesh
94 Environment Protection and Training Research Institute Hyderabad
95 SAI Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
96 Centre for Envotech and Management Consultancy Private Limited Bhubaneshwar
97 Creative Engineers & Consultants Chennai
98 Projects & Development India Limited Noida
99 Envirocare Consultants (I) Pvt. Ltd. Baroda
100 In Situ Enviro Care Bhopal
101 E. C. Engineers (Environmental Consultants) Jaipur
102 SV Enviro Labs & Consultants Vishakapatnam
103 Sri Sai Manasa Nature Tech Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
104 Eco Chem Sales and Service Surat
105 Scott Wilson India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
106 SMEC India Private Limited Gurgaon
107 Transit Surveys Karnataka
108 Bhagwati Enviro Care Pvt. Ltd. Ahmedabad
109 National Institute of Oceanography Goa
110 Siddhi Consultants Ankleshwar
111 ENPRO Enviro Tech & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Surat
112 Global Enviro Labs Hyderabad
113 Weston Solutions (India) Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
114 Superintendence Company of India Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
115 Paryavaran Labs (India) Limited Hyderabad
116 TATA Consulting Engineers Limited Mumbai
117 Garden City Environmental Services Bangalore
118 Sawen Consultancy Services Lucknow
119 Enviro Analyst & Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai
120 Louis Berger Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Gurgaon
121 Envisafe Environmental Consultants Ahmedabad
122 Technoenviron Consultants Maharashtra
123 En-Geo Consultancy & Research Centre(ENGECORC) Guwahati
124 Agricultural finance corporation Ltd. Mumbai
125 Det Norske Veritas AS Hyderabad
126 Centre of Mining Environment, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering Dhanbad
127 Srushti Sewa Nagpur
128 MITCON Consultancy Services Ltd. Pune
129 Apex Mintech Consultants Udaipur
130 Idma Laboratories Limited Haryana
131 Eco Care Burdwan, West Bengal
132 Shri Environmental Technology Institute New Delhi
133 Pollution & Ecology Control Services Nagpur
134 National Institute of Ocean Technology Chennai
135 Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of Mountain & Hill Environment, University of Delhi Delhi
136 DHI India Water & Environment Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
137 Shiva Test House Patna
138 Clean Technologies Bangalore
139 Metro Enviro-Chem Associates Ahmedabad
140 SECON Private limited Bangalore
142 Min Mec Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
143 Mitra S. K. Private Limited Kolkata
144 CTRAN Consulting Private Limited Bhubaneswar
145 M/S Indus Technical and Financial Consultants Ltd. Raipur
146 International Testing Centre Panchkula
147 Vasantdada Sugar Institute(speed post) Pune
148 Team Institute of Science & Technology Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur
149 LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
150 Octagon Consultancy Services Kolkata
151 Gadark Lab Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai
152 Chilworth Technology Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
153 Ace Engineers & Consultants Patiala
154 Fine Envirotech Engineers Mumbai
155 Jain Mining and Technical Consultants Udaipur
156 Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research Dhanbad
157 Eco Laboratories and Consultants Mohali
158 SMS Envocare Ltd. Pune
159 Krishna Gangaa Enviro System Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur
160 Shivalik Solid Waste Management Limited Solan
161 Ramji Mine Envirotech Jaipur
162 Environ India Kolkata
163 IRG Systems South Asia Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
164 N. K. Buildcon Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur
165 Greentech Environmental Engineer and Consultants Guwahati
166 S G M Corporate Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Pune
167 Terracon Ecotech Private Limited Mumbai
168 Trio-Chem Techno- Legal Services Pvt. Ltd. Pune
169 Chaitanya Projects Consultancy Pvt. Ltd Ghaziabad
170 Mahabal Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Thane
171 Energy Infratech Pvt. Ltd Gurgaon
172 Hydro ChemTech Chennai
173 D.Y. Patil College of Engineering Pune
174 Science and Technology Park Pune
175 Sophisticated Industrial Materials analytic Labs Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
176 Earthcare Labs Private Limited Nagpur
177 Saitech Research & Development Organization Kolhapur
178 Prakruti Environmental Engineers Vadodara
179 Centre For Sustainable Development Hooghly
180 KKB Envirocare Consultants PVT. LTD. Hyderabad
181 Aquagreen Engineering Management Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
182 Spectro Analytical Labs Limited New Delhi
183 Pacific Scientific Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
184 MNEC Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur
185 Madhya Pradesh State Forest Research Institute Jabalpur
186 Lotus Environments Pune
187 School of Water Resources Engineering, Jadavpur University Kolkata
188 Consafe Science India Hyderabad
189 Wilbur Smith Associates Private Limited Bangalore
190 Building Environment (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd. Navi Mumbai
191 SA Infrastructure Consultants Pvt. Ltd Ghaziabad
192 Sky Lab Analytical Laboratory Thane
193 Integrated Techno-Legal Consultants Mumbai
194 Oasis Environmental Foundation Pune
195 Crystal Consultants Ranchi
196 Aquatech Enviro Engineers Bangalore
197 Century Consulting Engineers Chandigarh
198 Gherzi Eastern Limited New Delhi
199 Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Faridabad
200 Environmental System Consultants & Ambiente Lab Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
201 Precitech Laboratories Vapi
202 Remedy Environmental Consultants Bellary
203 Eco Services India Private Limited Chennai
204 Mechatronics Systems Pvt. Ltd. Pune
205 Action for Ecology, Environment, Energy and Management Rishikesh
206 India Glycols Limited Kashipur, Uttarakhand
207 Enpro Technosolutions Chennai
208 LION Engineering Consultants Bhopal
209 Vogue Construction and Consultancy Services Private Limited New Delhi
210 Amba Recycler Private Limited Chennai
211 Richardson & Cruddas Chennai
212 ASCENSO Management and Consulting Services Private Limited New Delhi
213 Environmental Research and Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. Bhubaneswar
214 Zomah Engineers Consultants Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
215 Gondwana Geotech Services Pvt. Ltd. Ranchi
216 Ind Tech House Consult Delhi
217 Central Road Research Institute(CRRI) New Delhi
218 Enviroaid Consultants Gwalior
219 CPTL Envirotech Designers & Pollution Control Consultants Chandigarh
220 Waste Encare (India) Pvt. Ltd. Thane
221 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Delhi
222 Environment & Power Technologies Private Limited Bangalore
223 Tetra Tech India Limited New Delhi
224 Epsilon Projects Pvt. Ltd. Lucknow
225 Akshar Consultants Ahmedabad
226 JB Enviro Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
227 K. R. S Enterprises Bangalore
228 A & N Technologies Bangalore
229 SOWiL Limited Noida
230 Thriveni Consultancy Services Keonjhar, Odisha
231 S Pradhan Bhubaneswar
232 C.P. Consultants Private Limited New Delhi
233 Vasudev Associates Ahmedabad
234 Galaxy Envirotech Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
235 Engineering & Technological Services Delhi
236 Brigade Enterprises Limited Bangalore
237 AECOM India Private Limited Gurgaon
238 AET Infrastructure Environmental Services New Delhi
239 SD Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. Aurangabad
240 SEE Tech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Nagpur
241 Eco Care Engineering Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
242 Techno Analytical Kolkata
243 National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (NIIST) Thiruvananthapuram
244 Rightsource Industrial Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
245 MSV International Inc. Gurgaon
246 Ecotech Services Inc. Faridabad
247 Excel Enviro Tech Ahmedabad
248 Enviro Care Engineers & Consultant Surat
249 Centre for Climate change & Environmental Advisory Services Hyderabad
250 S. N. Hirpara Surat
251 Royal Environment Auditing & Consultancy Services Rajkot
252 GLOBAL Environment & Mining Services Hospet, Karnataka
253 C. E. Testing Company Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
254 Aarvee Associates Architects Engineers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
255 Betterworld Enviro Consultants Faridabad
256 Centre for Environment Health & Safety, Annamalai University Tamil Nadu
257 Gujarat Mineral Research & Industrial Consultancy Society (GMRICS) Ahmedabad
258 Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Goa
259 Pollution and Project Consultants Kolkata
260 Vision Labs Hyderabad
261 Bombay Natural History Society Mumbai
262 N H Consulting Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
263 V R Enviro Engineers Chennai
264 SPAN Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Noida
265 Re. Pragathi Labs & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad
266 Pridhvi Envirotech (P) Limited Hyderabad
267 Shriram Institute for Industrial Research New Delhi
268 Gem Solutions Bangalore
269 Swasti Enviro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
270 Powertec Engineering Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
271 Enviro Solutions & Services Tamilnadu
272 Clean Enviro Projects Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Valsad, Gujarat
273 Alfa Enviro Systems Chennai
274 CPTL Engineers & Consultants, INC. Chandigarh
275 Viraj Envirozing India Private Limited Pune
276 Naik Environment Research Institute Limited (NERIL) Pune
277 Guru Enviro Udyog Chennai
278 Center for Environmental Studies Chennai
279 STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata
280 Institute of Environment and Hazardous Material Management Bangalore
Re. Metamorphosis Bangalore
282 Mahindra Consulting Engineers Ltd. Chennai
283 Gauhati University Guwahati
284 Institute for Catchment Studies and Environmental Management (ICSEM) Bangalore
285Re Green Circle Inc. Vadodra
286 Nature Care Bhubaneshwar
287 Surya Envirotech Nagpur
288 Re Environmental Health And Safety Consultants Private Limited Bangalore
289 Gujarat Institute of Desert Ecology Gujarat
290 Horizon Services Pune
291 ENSYS Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd. Chennai
292 Environmental Technologies Services Organization Faridabad
293 Institute of Ocean Management, Anna University Chennai
294 Department of Forestry, H. N. B. Garhwal University Srinagar
295 Dust Devils Overseas & Company Burdwan (West Bengal)
296 Evapo Tech Technical Services & Consultants Patiala
297 University of Kashmir Srinagar
298 Equinox Environments (India) Private Limited Maharashtra
299 VK :e environmental Pune
300 Pavan & Co. Ahmedabad
301 University of Jammu Jammu
302 Creative Research Group Kolkata
303 Sainath Envirotech Tuticorin
304 Halcrow Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. Noida
305 Envirochem Laboratories (P) Ltd. Thrissur, Kerala
306 Palle Consultants Private Limited Hyderabad
307 Global Environmental Systems Bangalore
308 National Council for Cement and Building Materials Ballabgarh
309 Feedback Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (FVPL) Gurgaon
310 Anant Advisory Noida
311* Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education Dehradun
312* Mantras Resources (Engineers and Environmental Consultants) Nashik
313* Clean Technologies Bangalore
314* Jyoti Om Chemical Research Centre Private Limited Ankleshwar
315 Centre for Environment Research and Development Ghaziabad, U.P
316* International Testing Centre (ITC) Panchkula
318 Envirogreen Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. Udaipur
319* Enpro Tech Solutions Chennai
320* E.C. Engineers Jaipur
321 entech Services Kolkata
322* T. R. Associates Ahmedabad
323* Scott Wilson India Private Limited New Delhi
* Re: Re-application
Requests received for Review of Decision
1. 27-Jan-11 Indomer Coastal Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
2. 29-Jan-11 Green Circle Inc., Vadodra
3. 7-Feb-11 Pioneer Enviro Services Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
4. 14-Feb-11 National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai
5. 4-Mar-11 Ramans Enviro Services Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad
6. 10-Mar-11 Minenviron Systems Pvt. Ltd., Nagpur
7. 22-Mar-11 Earth & Environment, Bhubaneshwar
8. 15-Apr-11 Aqua-air Environmental Engineers, Surat
9. 30-Apr-11 Eco Chem Sales & Service, Surat
10. 2-May-11 Envirocare consultants (I) Pvt. Ltd., Vadodra
11. 3-May-11 Indus Technical & Financial Consultants, Raipur
12. 3-May-11 M. K. Ray (Individual)
13. 9-May-11 San Envirotech Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad
14. 9-May-11 Jessica P Karia (Individual)
15. 24-May-11 Consulting Engineering Group, Jaipur
16. 30-May-11 SNC Lavalin, Noida
17. 31-May-11 Rajesh Puranik (Individual)
18. 8-Jun-11 V.K. Singh (Individual)
19. 10-Jun-11 Mantec Consultants, Noida
20. 13-Jun-11 Clean Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
21. 17-Jun-11 Techno Analytical, Kolkata
22. 20-Jun-11 Enviro Techno Consult, Nagpur
23. 27-Jun-11 Secon Limited, Bangalore
24. 29-Jun-11 SGS India Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon
25. 30-Jun-11 Perfact Enviro Solutions, Delhi
26. 30-Jun-11 Jyoti Om, Ankleshwar
27. 11-Jul-11 Mitcon Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Pune
28. 11-Jul-11 National Institute of Oceanography, Goa
29. 20-Jul-11 EST Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
30. 22-Jul-11 Idma Laboratories, Panchkula
31. 28-Jul-11 Ghosh, Bose and Associates Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
32. 28-Jul-11 Environment Protection and Training Research Institute, Hyderabad
33. 1-Aug-11 Environment Health and Safety Consultants Private Limited, Bangalore
34. 3-Aug-11 Visiontek Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneshwar
35. 5-Aug-11 Agricultural Finance Corporation Ltd., Mumbai
36. 26-Aug-11 V.K.Gautam (Individual)
37. 14-Sep-11 Yogiraja Industrial Consultant, Pune
38. 15-Sep-11 Envisafe Environmental Consultants, Ahmedabad
39. 16-Sep-11 Metamorphosis, Bangalore
40. 19-Sep-11 Environmental, Mine Plan & Resource Evaluation Solutions (EMPRES), Chennai
41. 22-Sep-11 ENV Developmental Assistance Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd., Lucknow
42. 3-Oct-11 Mineral Engineering Services, Bellary
43. 3-Oct-11 T. R. Associates, Ahmedabad
44. 4-Oct-11 ENPRO Enviro Tech and Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Surat
45. 16-Oct-11 Eco Laboratories and Consultants Private Limited
46. 20-Oct-11 JB Enviro Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
47. 25-Oct-11 Aquatech Enviro Engineers, Bangalore
48. 4-Nov-11 Srushti Sewa
49. 9-Nov-11 Creative Engineers & Consultants, Chennai
50. 11-Nov-11 Team Institute of Science & Technology, Jaipur
51. 24-Nov-11 Anacon Labs, Nagpur
52. 8-Dec-11 R.K Consultants, Jodhpur
NGO Quality Council of India (QCI) and its National Accreditation Board of Education and Training (NABET) seem to be front offices of Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI).
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