PIL petitions Supreme Court against Government of India to -
a. Direct that an expert body, which is independent of the government and the nuclear establishment, conduct a thorough safety reassessment of all existing and proposed nuclear facilities in the country and of all the mining facilities of uranium and other nuclear fuel in the country
b. Direct such an expert independent body to conduct a thorough health and safety review of the uranium mining regions in the country
c. Direct an independent expert body to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis of all proposed nuclear facilities and a thorough comparative cost-benefit analysis vis-à-vis other sources of energy
d. Direct the Union of India to set-up an expert nuclear regulator, independent of the government
e. Declare the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010 as unconstitutional and void ab initio.
f. Declare that in the case of a nuclear accident, all nuclear operators and nuclear suppliers, would be jointly & severally, and absolutely liable for civil damages, and their financial liability would be unlimited
g. Issue an appropriate writ cancelling clearances given to proposed nuclear power plants and staying all proposed nuclear power plants till requisite safety assessment studies, thorough comparative cost-benefit analysis and meaningful public hearings are carried out by or under the supervision of an independent expert body.
h. Declare all the agreements signed between the Government and private companies, for supply of nuclear reactors & equipment, based on private negotiations, without any competitive process/bidding/tender, without proper technical & safety evaluation, without transparency as void ab initio.
i. Declare that in future all agreement for purchase of nuclear reactors and equipment would only be made only after proper technical & safety evaluation, with competitive process/bidding and with full transparency.
j. Direct that all information regarding previous safety audits, radiation, past accidents & near accidents, costs in all forms, power generation, fuel spent, all agreements signed between Government & nuclear suppliers and all other information concerning public safety and interest, of all existing & proposed nuclear facilities be put in the public domain & on the website of Department of Atomic Energy.
k. Issue or pass any writ, direction or order, which this Hon’ble court may deem proper in the interest of nuclear safety and clean environment.
Atomic sands and the histories of Anthropogenic pollution
Chris Baraniuk / BBC Moments in human history are etched into the Earth.
Now researchers are piecing together evidence of our impact on the planet –
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