Press Release
Objections filed against Delhi’s questionable carbon trade (CDM) project
Delhi High Court to hear case against waste burning based power plant on 1st Nov.
New Delhi27/10/2011: Writ Peition (Civil) NO. 9901/2009 against Waste Burning based power plant proposed by Prithviraj Jindal of Delhi’s Timarpur-Okhla Waste to Energy plant of M/s Jindal Urban Infrastructure Limited (JUIL), a company of M/s Jindal Saw Group Limited is scheduled for hearing on November 1, 2011. An objection letter has been sent to Martin Hession, Chairman, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Executive Board, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change's (UNFCCC) Secretariat, Bonn, Germany expressing serious concerns against CDM Projects like Delhi’s Rs.200 crore Timarpur-Okhla Waste to Energy project on October 26, 2011 with a copy to Rajiv Kumar, Member Secretary, the National CDM Authority, the Designated National Authority (DNA). The letter and relevant documents are attached.
This Timarpur-Okhla carbon credit project was registered on 10th November, 2007 with a claim to reduce greenhouse gases by a Board which was conflict of interest ridden. The letter explains.
ToxicsWatch Alliance (TWA) has been arguing that the carbon trade was a fake solution for the climate crisis. Incineration of waste violates Kyoto Protocol which describes waste incineration as a greenhouse gas emitter.
A RDF based waste to energy plant failed in Delhi’s Timarpur in 1990. Recent experiments Andhra Pradesh have also failed. A waste incinerator in Detroit and South West Wales was shut down in October and December 2010 respectively.
Failure of these plants has established that incinerator is a failed technology. It is linked to rising cases of skin rashes, asthma, respiratory problems and some cases of stillborns in the region to the presence of plant. Incinerator based interventions in the waste stream distort waste management beyond repair.
Waste to power plants cost cities and municipalities more and provide fewer jobs than comprehensive recycling and composting. It prohibits the development of local recycling-based businesses.
Notably, the Prime Minister’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) also refers to Biomethanation technology, a biological treatment method for waste to energy. Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD)’s Feasibility Study and Master Plan for Optimal Waste Treatment and Disposal for the Entire State of Delhi of March 2004 says, “the costs of RDF are often high for societies with low calorific value because energy is used to dry the waste before it becomes feasible to burn it”.
Instead of hazardous technologies, biological methods should be adopted to deal with waste management through material recovery and by recycling. The Inter-Ministerial Task Force on Integrated Plant Nutrient Management did not encourage WTE policy and instead recommended setting up of 1000 compost plants all over the country.
There is need to provide incentives and subsidies to cold’ technologies alone, which is suited our country economically, socially and also our wastes.
Waste incineration plants are aimed at earning carbon credits as a solution for climate crisis unmindful of its impact on livelihood options of poor waste pickers and propagation of small-scale bio-methanation, composting and proper recycling for better waste management.
Given the fact that the project proponent is using RDF technology it is relevant to note that all such experiments based on this technology to treat waste has failed in the country. Union Environment Minister has written to Delhi chief minister that there has been violation in basic condition stipulated in environment condition. It violates the recommendation of the environment Ministry.
In a White paper on Pollution, it has been underlined that Indian waste is suitable only for Biological Treatment Methods. It violates the recommendation of Supreme Courts committee on Waste to Energy that insisted on segregation of waste its source. Once waste is segregated, compostable waste can be composted and recycled waste can be recycled. In such a scenario, what is the need to burn the waste.
The power generated will be highly expensive. Experts suggest that it is 4-5times costlier than the conventional electricity. The EIA report does not reveal how the project developer will deal with toxic ash which will contain heavy metals like mercury.
Incineration of such waste is inadvisable. It promotes waste generation, what is required is waste prevention and reduction and zero waste system that guarantees returned on investments and healthy communities. There is threat to ground water from ash disposal. Incineration also creates huge amount of Air pollution. It also releases Carbon monoxide, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen, hydrocarbons and particulates in the air. Waste incineration emits Green House Gases as well. This technology has high public health cost. It causes cancers, birth defects in villagers living in the vicinity of incineration.
CDM Executive Board and Dr Farooq Abdullah headed Ministry of new renewable energy is damaging waste management through such misplaced projects providing fiscal incentives to such polluting projects. They should desist from promoting such hazardous projects.
For Details: Gopal Krishna, Convener, ToxicsWatch Alliance (TWA), Mb: 9818089660,
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