NHRC takes suo motu cognizance on the ignorance of government hospital towards danger of radioactive waste
The National Human Rights Commission has taken suo motu cognizance of a media report alleging that the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash (LNJP) Hospital, which is a government hospital has ignored the danger arising out of radioactive wastes thereby causing threat to lives and health of common man.
The media carried report today on the 4th August, 2011 further alleged that radiation machines, containers of radium and cobalt needles etc, which should be disposed off, are lying unattended and can cause a great threat to the lives of people of surrounding localities if there is any radioactive leak. The hospital has not made any move to clean up the mess.
The Commission in its proceedings observed that if the contents of media report are true, it is apparent that the authorities have not learnt the lesson from the incident of radioactive leak at Mayapuri in Delhi and other similar incidents which resulted in health hazards. Such radioactive wastes should be handled strictly in terms of the laid down norms and any act in contravention of the same is a serious threat to Rights to Life and Rights to Health.
The Commission considers the inaction of the hospital authorities, if true, as a serious case of violation of Right to Life and issued notices to the Secretary, Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, the Chief Secretary, NCT of Delhi, Director, LNJP Hospital and the Chairman, Atomic Energy Regulartory Board calling for their reports in the matter within two weeks.
The Commission also directed its Director General (Investigation) to depute an investigation team today itself, i.e., on the 4th August, 2011 to conduct on the spot inquiry and submit its report in the matter to the Commission. And also steps to associate an expert on radioactivity in the inquiry to be taken.
New Delhi, August 4th, 2011
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