"One asked each photograph had one chimney but the plant in Okhla has two.
Do you know, why?"
There are very few plants in the world of the capacity equivalent to what is
being now setup in Okhla/Sukhdev. The promoters have themselves said that
this is going to be the largest in the world. Even at 2050 tonnes per day,
very few similar examples that too located in similar surroundings are
there. And when the capacity is so huge, how a single stack could handle the
exhaust requirements. Further, in this case there is no restriction on the
size of the plant, it is left to the private player to decide and take
risks. Its obvious that the sizing is being done keeping in mind the future
waste rather than the impact on the people living around the plant.
*People think court is delaying the case. Do you think so?*
I agree court has lot of responsibilities and work to do on a day to day
basis. Anybody can apply the common sense and make out what is happening in
this case. It is also true that often authorities leave the matter to the
court but this is a classic example where petitioners are being asked again
and again to produce more concrete evidence rather respondents to reply
clearly without any ambiguity. So onus is on poor petitioners not on the
Shahid Hasan
The Incinerators operating & emission standards applicable in India since 2000:
Operating Standards:
1) combustion efficiency (CE) shall be at least 99.00%
Emission Standards: (Concentration mg/Nm3 at 12%co2.)
1) Particulate matter: 150, 2) Nitrogen Oxides: 450, HCL: 50
4) Min. Stack height shall be 30 metres above the ground.
5) Volatile organic compounds in ash shall not be more than 0.01%
Notes: 1) Control devices shall be installed ........ ,if necessary.
2) Waste not be treated with chlorinated disinfectants.
3) Chlorinated plastics shall not be incinerated.
4) Toxic metals in incineration ash shall be limited to......
5) Only low sulphur fuel like ldo, ls,hs or Diesel shall be used...
With great respect to the learned Scientists of MOEF/ CPCB/ SPCB/ draft review committee that has either failed to specify the emission standards as "Minimum" / "Maximum" or knowingly ommited as a bonanza to the polluters till some one challenges in the court. On the direction of a court, the CPCB will look into the matter for revision.
I feel nothing is specified about CO, SO2, Dioxins, Furons,etc, the existing standards can be met by any furnace named as "INCINERATOR". Good business.
We should be grateful to the Jindal Ecopolis for providing a double barrel gun with length longer than 30 metres. In fact, there is no need to provide any filters or need to replace, as the the flue will always meet the emission standards.
Jindal Ecopolis distributed photographs of various WtE plants of Europe. One asked each photograph had one chimney but the plant in Okhla has two.
Do you know, why?
Now people know, the case no: WP(C) 9901/2009 is pending in Delhi High Court. BMW case no: WP(C) 6976/2008 now is floating in the new boat. People think court is delaying the case. Do you think so?
The court has lot of responsibility in reviewing the role of Central Pollution Control Board, State Pollution Control Board, the poor standards of emission norms of a mega MSW WtE plant, defining the safe distance of an incinerator from any habitation, etc. It has become a trend, let the court decide, the authorities do not take any respoibility.
For court, it is bound to take time; after all, it is a matter against a responsible State Government, raised by a bunch of few residents. Though, health of million people is involved but people are in search of a leader to move with. To accept a Leadership and a Guru, is a most difficult task for an educated individual.
The decision of Court will be seen as a land mark in era of Global Environmental Awareness. PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO ORGANIZE BETTER & KEEP PROTESTING.
Vimal Monga
Atomic sands and the histories of Anthropogenic pollution
Chris Baraniuk / BBC Moments in human history are etched into the Earth.
Now researchers are piecing together evidence of our impact on the planet –
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