How you can get involved
Download Flyer & Fact Sheet - August 2009
Statement of Evidence - Particulate Emissions and Health - Professor C. Vyvyan Howard MB. ChB. PhD. FRCPath. - JUNE 2009
Sept 2/09 - UK Government 'misleading' public on air pollution - Ecologist
Increased risk of cancer for neighbouring residents - ARTAC (ARTAC is an independent association of physicians and researchers specializing in the study biological, clinical and therapeutic cancer) July 10/08
Micro materials could pose major health risks - Globe and Mail July 10/08
Nanoparticles at a glance
Waste Framework Directive: Appeal from Doctors' Associations - June 11/08
Nano-Pathology - Role of Micro and Nanoparticles in Biomaterial Induced Pathology - Consortium (2005)
Incineration - Threat to Health and to Recycling - Health Care Without Harm Europe 2008
The Ecologist: The Lethal Consequences of Breathing Fire
Incineration and Health Issues (Friends of the Earth)
The Burden of Asthma in Ontario - Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
The Health Effects of Waste Incinerators - British Society for Ecological Medicine
The Health Effects of Waste Incinerators - British Society for Ecological Medicine - UPDATE - Second Edition June 2008
Incinerators and their Health Effects - Irish Doctors Environmental Assoc.
IDEA Position on Incineration - Irish Doctors Environmental Association
Health Effects of exposure to MSW Incinerators - Franchini, Rial, Buiatti, Bianchi et al.
Sickness in the Soil - Broward Times (Florida, Aug 2007)
*Cormier/Lomnicki/Backes/Dellinger - Origin and Health Impacts of Emissions of Toxic By-Products and Fine Particles from Combustion and Thermal Treatment of Hazardous Wastes and Materials
Cancer and the Environment in Ontario: Gap Analysis on the Reduction of Environmental Carcinogens
Canada's Chemical Valley Exposed - EcoJustice, Oct 4/07
Sarnia's Toxic Legacy - Canadian Geographic, Oct 4/07
Incineration Today and Tomorrow - Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford, January2008
Prevent Cancer Now's New Campaign Against Incineration - Prevent Cancer Now
International Agency for Research on Cancer
It’s Your Health - Health Canada / Healthy Living, Dioxins and Furans
Best Environmental Practices and Alternative Technologies for Medical Waste Management, Emmanuel, Jorge PhD. Health Care Without Harm, June 2007, 8th Int’l Waste Management Congress and Exhibition
Incineration and Human Health. State of Knowledge of the Impacts of Waste Incinerators on Human Health, Allsopp, M. Costner, P. and Johnston, P.
The environmental and health impacts of Energy from Waste, the myths and the truth? - T.D. HAMMOND* AND Dr. D.M. BROOMFIELD*
INCINERATORS make waste more toxic and ... - Zero Waste America
ToxCat ‘Beginners Guide’ to Dioxin Part 1 - Communities Against Toxics
ToxCat ‘Beginners Guide’ to Dioxin Part 2 - Communities Against Toxics
ToxCat ‘Beginners Guide’ to Incinerator Emissions & their known impact on human health
ToxCat ‘Beginners Guide’ to Epidemiological Studies Around Incinerators
ToxCat ‘Beginners Guide’ to Endocrine Disrupters
Debunking the Myths of Incineration - Kristin D. McKinnon-Rutherford - UPDATED 5/5/08
Atomic sands and the histories of Anthropogenic pollution
Chris Baraniuk / BBC Moments in human history are etched into the Earth.
Now researchers are piecing together evidence of our impact on the planet –
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Like this. Someone really need to exposed corporate crime reporting.
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