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Clinton Climate Initiative Supports Polluting Technology

Written By mediavigil on Monday, March 15, 2010 | 10:35 PM

A Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) report on Waste Management Program refers to a waste to energy project in Delhi wherein it is claimed that it will reduce green house gases (GHG) emissions to the tune of 96,000 tons/yr CO2e. Its following contention is questionable:

Karen Luken, Director of CCI’s Waste Management Program says, “The challenge is in getting cities to look at alternative ways of using garbage, and then working with them to close the margin between finding the cheapest way and the most sustainable way.”Delhi’s new system closes that margin successfully. It will process 1,000 tons of waste a day, converting organic waste into compost and recycling plastics and paper to create a refuse-derived fuel product. Both are potential sources of revenue that can offset costs. Other materials will go to a state-of-the-art landfill that meets the highest environmental standards.

The report is avaialble here: http://www.clintonfoundation.org/what-we-do/clinton-climate-initiative/i/profile-cci-waste-project-breaks-ground-in-delhi

The failure on the part of Clinton Climate Initiative to realize the dangers from promoting energy recovery from plastics and paper merits attention. Clearly, it does not know about the consisitnet failure of incineration and Refuse Derived Fuel technology for municipal waste and the fact that Indian garabage is not suitable for energy generation.
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