Sources present in Bonn have revealed that the overall negotiations on climate change treaty are unfortunately in sorry shape. The industrialized countries are backpedaling on their previous commitments (both to reduce emissions and to provide financing to the less industrialized countries) and this is threatening the entire treaty.
Financing mitigation in developing countries is still a sticking point in the negotiations, and requires looking far beyond the CDM. There is a pre-existing gulf on how to bridge the gap between the funding made available by developed countries and the mitigation needs of developing countries.
The US and Japan are even talking about getting rid of the Kyoto Protocol entirely. Detailed updates and position papers are available:
The thirtieth sessions of the UNFCCC Convention subsidiary bodies - SBSTA and SBI, the sixth session of the AWG-LCA and the eighth session of the AWG-KP are taking place from Monday 1 June till Friday 12 June 2009 in Maritim, Bonn.
Delegates from 182 countries meeting in Bonn are to discuss, for the first time, key negotiating texts which can serve as the basis for an ambitious and effective international climate change deal, to be clinched in Copenhagen in December.
Climate crisis is also about agricultural crisis. The state of vegetation cover as affected by climate is linked to human well-being. There is a need to recognize that food security is threatened by climate change. Climate change will frustrate efforts to provide food sustainably and vulnerable communities must be offered support to enhance their coping capacity. The local-specific nature of the effects calls for increased local knowledge, awareness and policies. For the sake of food security a substantial financial commitment is needed, both in research and implementation.
There is talk of conservation agriculture in Bonn for instance with with Faidherbia albida. Some 60 years of research shows on each hectare, mature trees supply the equivalent of 300kgof complete fertiliser and 250kg of lime. This can sustain a maize yield of 4 tons/ha. Faidherbia is indigenous in many African countries. Is it possible to use it in countries like India?
World cereal production will fall 3 percent in the next marketing year, while demand will expand by 1.3 percent, the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization said on June 4. Prices of wheat, rice and corn rose to records last year, sparking riots. The number of hungry people in the world will increase to a record 1 billion this year, the FAO said last month.
Atomic sands and the histories of Anthropogenic pollution
Chris Baraniuk / BBC Moments in human history are etched into the Earth.
Now researchers are piecing together evidence of our impact on the planet –
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