Note: Unmindful of the public health disaster caused by waste incineration technologies like Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) are being promoted although they are emitters of green house gases according t o Kyoto Protocol and POPs like Dioxins. Notably, The Seventh Conference of Parties (COP-7) to the UNFCCC decided that Parties participating in CDM should designate a National Authority for the CDM and as per the CDM project cycle, a project proposal should include written approval of voluntary participation from the Designated National Authority of each country and confirmation that the project activity assists the host country in achieving sustainable development.
Accordingly the Indian Government constituted the National Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Authority for the purpose of protecting and improving the quality of environment in terms of the Kyoto Protocol. The projects mentioned below are registered with it.
1. 6.6 MW Municipal Solid Waste to Electricity Generation Project in Gandhumguda village, Peeranchery panchayat, Ranga Reddy district, Andhra Pradesh, India by Selco International Limited.
The project activity involves two steps; separation of combustible & non-combustible from MSW; conversion of the combustible in to RDF. Plant receives 117,250 tons of unprocessed MSW on annual basis. Approximately 50% of combustible material can be recovered from 350 tons of unprocessed waste. RDF, which is derived from organic material, includes paper, textile, kitchen waste & wood. Power plant uses 75% of MSW organic waste (combustible material) with 25% of rice husk procured from the neighboring rice producers. The generated electricity is supplied to the grid through a grid sub station located @ a distance of 3.5 KM from the power plant.
It got host country approval status as a CDM project. Estimate of GHG abatement in tCO2 equivalent is 558000. The project started in June 2001 and completed in November 2003.
For Details: Selco International Limited,
1 -1 -191, G – 1, Siri ING Vysya bank , Chikkadpally,
Hyderabad – 500 020, Andhra Pradesh
Contact person: Mr. G. V. Rama Krishna
Telfax: +91 (040) 2765 0114
2. Power generation through MSW at Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh at Rebladevpally, district Karimnagar in Andhra Pradesh by M/s Shalivahana (MSW) Green Energy Ltd
The project activity is 10 MW Power plant at Rebladevpally Village near Sultanabad in Karimnagar District, based on Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) obtained by processing of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) of several towns in Adilabad and Karimnagar Districts. The quality of garbage is not consistent hence overall the recovery will vary from 25% to 35%. The final moisture content in the RDF will be below 10%. Project is also involved in avoidance of methane by using the MSW in power generation, which otherwise would have been left on land for decay. Estimate of GHG abatement in tCO eq. 143940.
The project proponent is Killim Jogarao, General Manager (Finance) Shalivahana (MSW) Green Energy Ltd. 7th Floor, , S. D. Road,
Minerva Complex, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh-500 003
The project started on date 11 July 2008. The project is expected to be ompletede by 15th December 2009.
3. RDF Power Projects Ltd. Integrated Solid Waste Management Project in Nalgonda District Andhra Pradesh
The proposed project activity will utilize Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) delivered by Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) for generation of 11 MW electricity, with an exportable surplus to the grid of 9.845 MW and produce compost. The technology for MSW processing to
generate electricity requires several processes to be carried out before the MSW is combusted to generate electricity and compost is produced: Herbal disinfectant-cum-deodorant will
be sprayed on the received MSW to reduce mal-odour and repel insects and birds.
Estimate of GHG abatement in tCO eq. is 292307.
The project proponent is: RDF Power Projects Limited
401, Galada Towers, Adjacent lane to Pantaloons, Begumpet,
Hyderabad- 500 016, Andhra Pradesh
Contact Person: J. Phani Kumar, Executive Director
The project was expected to start construction work in December 2008 and complete it by January 2010.
4. SESL 6 MW Municipal Solid Waste based power Project at Vijayawada & Guntur, Andhra Pradesh by M/s Shriram Energy Systems Limited
This first-of-kind project uses TIFAC assisted technology for refinement of MSW to produce fuel grade pellets and fluff. The plant processes the waste to generated RDF fluff, which is combusted, in a 28 TPH capacity boiler with 65 ata and 485 C configuration, as main fuel in the steam generator, the steam passes through steam turbine to generate power. For processing MSW, specially designed shredders, air density separators, conveyors and rotary screens are used. The power is sold to APTRANSCO.
Estimate of GHG abatement in tCO2 eq. is 423368.
The project proponent is : M/s Shriram Energy Systems Limited.
Ameerpet, G-1, B Block, United Avenue (North End),
Hyderabad 500 016
Andhra Pradesh
Contact Person: Gopala Krishna Murthy,
Managing Director,
Fax: +91 (040) 2372 9551
Project start date- March 2002
Project completion date- December 2003
Atomic sands and the histories of Anthropogenic pollution
Chris Baraniuk / BBC Moments in human history are etched into the Earth.
Now researchers are piecing together evidence of our impact on the planet –
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